BikeSafe is a police led motorcycle project that is run by most forces throughout the UK. The main aim is to reduce the number of bikers being hurt on the roads.
We think that riding should be fun and by improving skills, knowledge and hazard awareness it will hopefully make riding safer and more enjoyable.
North Wales BikeSafe workshops
The North Wales BikeSafe workshop explores the main riding hazards that you as a biker face. By delivering theory presentations and observed rides, a BikeSafe workshop will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses and also where to go next to develop and get more from your biking.
North Wales BikeSafe is about starting on the right path to development as it “Bridges the Gap”. Riders should continue to train throughout their riding years and not just stop once they have passed their bike test.
Having enjoyed a BikeSafe workshop or ride out, the next natural step that we actively encourage is post test motorcycle training from either:
I.A.M. (Institute of Advanced Motorists)
RoSPA (Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents) or
E.R.S. (The Enhanced Rider Scheme).
Workshops are sponsored by the North Wales Partnerships and finance provided through ‘Taith’. As such the Workshops and other activity that BikeSafe provides is free although subject to the workshop booking agency fee which is presently £10 pp.
In addition North Wales Police will provide a free days training of first aid for bikers licensed by Medic Skills from FBoS (First Bike on Scene – North West NHS). Upon completion you will be issued a Certificate of Approval from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh and a safety pack. (See FBoS section).
North Wales is part of the Wales BikeSafe region and enjoys working alongside the other Wales Co-ordinators to a common end.
Key Information
Course Co-ordinator: Paul Cheshire
Co-ordinator Telephone: 01492 804155
Address: Police HQ, Glan y Don, Colwyn Bay, LL29 8AW
Force Telephone: 01492 804155