Training on its own is not enough to make real change. Successful training relies on planning, offering time for reflection and feedback, and time to practice skills in order to achieve the Common Induction Standards requirements for care homes.
We strive to deliver the best learning outcomes to care homes across North Wales and we understand that learning should be a valued part of the care home culture.
Staff should be actively encouraged to take learning forward in their daily work. For training to work, staff must recognise the need for it. They must believe that training will result in change, and they must be able to see the benefits for themselves. A successful training programme should involve staff in its design, content and delivery.
The role and skills required of care home staff has changed over time and these requirements will keep evolving and changing – training does not stand still. Residents today are more physically and mentally frail, and may have a range of health and social care needs. These might include any combination of dementia, depression, arthritis, heart disease, incontinence, sensory impairment and social isolation. Many residents will also be approaching their end of life. How do we ensure that our staff have the skills to respond to or prevent health problems?
How can we pick up on social, emotional and psychological problems that need referral to others?
Equipping people with the necessary skills to respond to health and social care problems is a challenge. However, care homes are rising to that challenge. They are playing a hugely valuable role in responding to the changing needs of residents – both through the right training and through creating a good learning atmosphere in which residents, relatives and staff can flourish.
With recent public focus on basic care standards it is clear that the CQC is placing a greater emphasis on the Common Induction Standards. Whatever the history, it seems that care providers are now going to be faced with a legal requirement to provide compulsory basic training for care workers.
Common Induction Standards is now a Legal requirement for the Care Home sector
Proposals are expected within weeks which will outline national minimum standards for preparing new recruits to work in nursing homes. Home care workers who help with personal care of elderly people will also be required to undertake the training. Although the CQC Common Induction Standards have been in place for a while, this will be the first time that anything other than a CRB check has been a legal requirement for someone to work in a care home or provide home help services.
If you want to become a Care Worker…
You must successfully complete a Common Induction Training course within the 12-week induction period that must be provided for all new care staff by your employer. This will provide you with nationally recognised training that will form the basis for successfully developing your career in Health and Social Care.
If you employ Care Workers…
You must provide all new care staff with a 12-week induction period, incorporating Common Induction Training, in order to meet the national minimum standard requirements for care staff specified by CQC.
The mandatory training requirements include:
– Health and Safety
– Infection Control
– Fire Safety
– Emergency First Aid
– Food Safety and Nutrition
– Moving and Handling
– Medication Awareness
– Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
The Common Induction Standards (CIS) is made up of eight core standards. The standards are as follows:
Standard 1 – Role of the health and social care worker
Standard 2 – Personal development
Standard 3 – Communicate effectively
Standard 4 – Equality and Inclusion
Standard 5 – Principles for implementing duty of care
Standard 6 – Principles of safeguarding in health and social care
Standard 7 – Person-centred support
Standard 8 – Health and safety in an adult social care setting
Wales First Aid recognise the difficulties that social care employers face related to releasing staff for training, but ensuring that your staff are knowledgeable and competent enough to support your clients is essential. That’s why we offer full support with your training requirements and offer full training directly in your workplace. We offer discounts for group bookings whereby you need more than one training course with us.
If you would like to book a training course with us or would like more information on any of our training modules relating to the Common Induction Standards then please email us or alternatively, call us on 01978 359 441 and speak with one of our training Consultants.